Mike's Medicines Blog

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How do you know you're a pothead? The last thing you studied for was a urine test. How do you know y
How do you know you're a pothead? The last thing you studied for was a urine test. How do you know you're a pothead? The last thing you studied for was a urine test.
"When it comes to Genevieve's recovery it's much like my own - we both beat severe seizure disorders
"When it comes to Genevieve's recovery it's much like my own - we both beat severe seizure disorders using the Cannabis plant's extracts - we both needed nature and lots of love." -Mike Robinson, The Cannabis Love Story
"I'm different, not less." -Temple Grandon - April, Autism Awareness Month
"I'm different, not less." -Temple Grandon - April, Autism Awareness Month
City of L.A. Rules to Close All Dispensaries During Application Period
Moments Ago This Shocking Email Was Received By The Cannabis Task Force of Los Angeles: The City of Los Angeles Rules Committee votes to close marijuana businesses during the application period.Dear Task Force Members and Supporters, Last week, the Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations (REIG) Committee heard public comment on and voted to PASS the proposed regulatory recommendations that will close #AllCannabinoids #Cannabis #CannabisBlogs #CannabisIsMedicine