Crafts to do with kids

The best craft ideas you want around when you can't think of what to do and don't have much materials! Stop buying toys and start making them
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Kool-Aid Dyed Playsilks
A couple months ago I came upon a tutorial on The Artful Parent for
40 Winter Activities and Crafts for Toddlers for Snowy Day Fun
40 winter activities that are perfect for toddlers to actually do (and cute crafts for them to make too!)
Easy Crafts for Toddlers
Another adorable googly eye caterpillar clothes pins. Use color or solid pompom balls to create your creatures. Glue a magnetic to the back for some refrigerator play.
Easy Crafts for Toddlers
Airplane fun with clothes pins and Popsicle sticks. Makes great planes for lego men. Easy crafts for toddlers never has to be difficult.
Easy Crafts for Toddlers
Fruits Loops make color easy crafts for toddlers. Simple - divide the colors grab some cotton balls and glue. Begin creating your rainbow and have fun snacking.
Easy Crafts for Toddlers
toilet paper funny faces - Paint toilet papers rolls glue on colorful feathers and of course the googly eyes. Just another fun creature to play with around the house.
Easy Crafts for Toddlers
Fun craft for toddlers Solo cups made into funny chicken face. You can hang them all up on a mobile, it makes a fun noise.
6 Things to Do Inside Without Turning On the TV
There are few things worse than being stuck inside with a young child who just wants to go, go go. Here are 6 activities to try without turning on the tv.