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Low Impact Development: Opportunities for the PlanET Region
#ClippedOnIssuu from Low Impact Development: Opportunities for the PlanET Region
600-Foot-Long Bioswale Planned for Coliseum Square Park
600-Foot-Long Bioswale Planned for Coliseum Square Park - Curbed New Orleansclockmenumore-arrownoyes : It's among Sewerage and Water Board's "green infrastructure" projects
MYKD_Rogers-School_11 « Landscape Architecture Platform
MYKD_Rogers-School_11 « Landscape Architecture Works | Landezine
How Greening Our Streets Can Also Make Them More Resilient to Extreme Weather | Smart Cities Dive
How tree planting, rain gardens, swales and permeable pavements not only control pollution but also help cool urban heat islands, mitigate flooding, recharge groundwater, beautify neighborhoods and enhance nearby property values.