
20 Pins
A Heart For Home: Finished Friday: Hand Print Wall Hanging, Christmas Game, T-shirt Necklace/Scarf, & My Mom's Beautiful Family Tree Wall Mural
Here’s How to Make a Fun & Festive Halloween Snack Board
Veggie Skeleton by feedingfourlittlemonkeys via apartmenttherapy #Kids #Veggie #Skeleton #Food_Art
The Shurtliffs
This is a fabulous idea! take small glow sticks and put them in plastic eggs. Then hide them in the house and turn off the lights for the hunt. Must remember this!
Christmas Eve Surprise Box. Include: new pajamas, Christmas movie, popcorn, mugs, hot chocolate, marshmallows, Christmas book. I have to remember this!!!!
Hobby Lobby Arts & Crafts Stores
Use birthday cake sprinkles with tea lights in a votive as table decor.. cute for birthday decorations, could adapt for Halloween and holidays as well...silver and blue sprinkles would look great!