Portable Rock Art / Figure Stones - Real Artifacts

These photos are from daysknob.com, the first website (2003) to display prehistoric Figure Stones / Portable Rock Art from the western hemisphere, also showing many from other parts of the world. You will find that daysknob.com has been widely but poorly imitated and plagiarized. While most material here is copyrighted, you are quite welcome to share it if you give proper credit. Nothing here is for sale (nor should it be).
97 Pins
Limestone figure from 33GU218 in Guernsey County, Ohio
Limestone figure from 33GU218 in Guernsey County, Ohio
Presentation Poster on Portable Rock Art / Figure Stones, 2013 IFRAO Rock Art Conference
Presentation Poster on Portable Rock Art / Figure Stones, 2013 IFRAO Rock Art Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Limestone Bird Pendant from archaeological site 33GU218 in Guernsey County, Ohio
Limestone Bird Pendant from archaeological site 33GU218 in Guernsey County, Ohio
Limestone Figure from Turkey
Limestone Figure Stone from Turkey, 6 cm high, Zarbut find.
Limestone Figure from 33GU218 in Guernsey County, Ohio
Limestone Figure from 33GU218 in Guernsey County, Ohio
Limestone "Venus" Figure from archaeological site 33GU218 in Guernsey County, Ohio
Limestone "Venus" Figure from archaeological site 33GU218 in Guernsey County, Ohio, apparently the first such artifact discovered in the western hemisphere.
Sandstone petroglyph (mastodon profile?) from archaeological site 33GU218 in Guernsey County, Ohio
Sandstone petroglyph (mastodon profile?) from archaeological site 33GU218 in Guernsey County, Ohio
Flint Figure, Groß Pampau archaeological site, Germany - Ursel Benekendorff Collection
Flint Figure, Groß Pampau archaeological site, Germany - Ursel Benekendorff Collection
Flint "Venus" Figure from Groß Pampau, Germany - Ursel Benekendorff Collection
Flint "Venus" Figure from Groß Pampau, Germany - Ursel Benekendorff Collection
Earthwork Core Sampling at 33GU218 (Day's Knob) in Ohio
Earthwork Core Sampling at 33GU218 (Day's Knob) in Ohio
LiDAR View of 33GU218 Archaeological Site
Aerial LiDAR view of site at 1 meter resolution, with (partially destroyed) prehistoric linear earthwork and single-file passageway, showing artificial terracing on opposite (east) side of hill.
Prehistoric Iron from Ohio
Prehistoric Iron Figure from the Dave Gillilan Cache in Pickaway Co., Ohio
Abbevillian/Acheulean Chopper from Wimereux, France - Charles Belart Find
Abbevillian/Acheulean Chopper from Wimereux, France - Charles Belart Find