Retreat - Contemporary Western Romance

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Chapter One: The van jostled Andria against her daughter. The little girl barely noticed the motion; she was plastered to the window, staring at the virgin land, so different from the city where she'd lived her entire seven years.
Chapter One: Andria watched the guest ranch come into view. She looked for the rambling old house from her last trip here. Sure, it had been ten years, but she would know it on sight. Instead she was greeted by a sprawling new complex. Gone was the log home with its primitive appeal, in its place a collection of new buildings that complemented the two story stone and brick ranch house. It still had the appeal that she remembered, but now it came from a carefully designed layout.
Chapter One: Jessie flipped on the television as soon as they entered their room. "Are we going swimming in an hour?" "If you want to," Andria slid into the recliner across from the loveseat where Jessie lay. "This month is all about you and me, Jessie. We get to do whatever we want." "No school, no work." Jessie grinned. "Just you and me." "That's right. Me and you and a dog named Boo." Jessie's face scrunched up in confusion, and Andria laughed. "Never mind."
Chapter Two: Her laughter was cut short when she saw that Jake had doubled back. There was no laughter in his hungry eyes as he watched each strand of hair glide through her fingers. She realized that her actions could be taken as flirtatious, so she dropped her hands into her lap, and his eyes rose to meet hers. And there they remained, holding her captive with the electric depth, while he dismounted and walked purposefully toward her.
Chapter Four: The most relaxing hours of each week were those which were spent on the rushing river, casting the neon orange fly line rhythmically into the water. Charlie showed her how to cast, and what type of fly to use on the first day. After that, they spent their time at the river simply fishing and talking.
My words – Page 2 – Byshcandy
Chapter Six: "Jake—" "I know, Andi." He tightened his hold on her hand. "It happens every time we're together. God, I want to kiss you." "Please." She licked her lips. He stared at her intensely. She saw the turmoil in his eyes. She asked him to go against his own moral code, and break a rule that he himself established. With their fingers entwined, she leaned toward him. "Just one ... one kiss," he whispered, inclining his head. "Then make it count, Jake."
Sad little girl... by 80slover1 on DeviantArt
Chapter Seven: He pulled open the door, and took a second before he looked down to find Jessica Thomas, standing barefoot on his porch. His relief that it wasn't anything important lasted about half a second. He dropped to a squat in front of the little girl. Tears had left salty tracks down her cheeks, and she clutched a white stuffed animal of some sort to her chest. She swiped the back of her hand over her nose, illustrating why her nose was red.
Attentive man give fresh water to sick woman at the bed
Chapter Eight: She peeled gritty lids open. It was Jake. She tried to smile at him, but she was just too tired to manage more than a shaky lift of her lips. "You're here?" Her voice was gruff, and even though she felt like she'd just come out of a trash compacter, with Jake so close to her, her first thought was that she hoped there weren't mascara smudges beneath her eyes.
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Chapter Nine: The sun shone clear and bright. The wildflowers were in full bloom, releasing the clean fragrance of the mountain blossoms into the unusually still air. Crickets jumped out of her path to hide again in the tall grasses and sagebrush. It was a perfect day to lie around and do absolutely nothing.
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Chapter Ten: He'd leaned on one elbow, the other hand frozen where it was on the lamp switch. His torso was bare, the quilt had dropped to his waist. The warm glow of the lamp gave his skin a toasty color that she wanted to taste.
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Chapter Eleven: "You've got to see this," Jake whispered in her ear. She awoke back in the tent, tangled in the wool blanket, with Jake lying behind her. She pretended not to hear him, and snuggled closer. "Andi, wake up. You'll love this." (Okay, this is Canada, but the picture was perfect)
Chapter Twelve: The weather was perfect. Not too hot, just enough of a breeze to keep the insects away, and a cloudless sky. He gripped her hand even tighter beneath the water, and pulled her along toward the chrome ladder. "Hot tub or sauna?" Andria drifted along behind him. "Sauna. There's a door."