aj diorama

12 Pins
This is my version of the Rainforest shoebox diorama that we did with my daughter last year. I had no idea how to make this project and doing a research I found a wonderful mom that inspired me to do this with confidence! Here is the link to the video I found, she did a wonderful job!! https://www.pinterest.com/pin/286611963762778976/. I have photos of the steps and materials that I used to do this project, I will try to post them later but I am no sure if I can upload more photos?
"Mamma che cosa è l'habitat" - WWF & FunLab - FunLab Blog
The Enchanted Forest diorama. Try it out with your kids and see what fun things your cubs add to their personalized habitats. How to @ http://blog.funlab.it/en/2012/06/mommy-what-is-a-habitat-wwf-and-funlab/
Our Giant Panda Project
Trevor has been working on the Wildlife Conservation belt loop for Cub Scouts. (A belt loop is the Cub Scout version of a Boy Scout's mer...
Diorama Water and Water Effects
Realistic looking water effects! - Excellent info, got all I needed for a scene that I am planning!