27 Pins
The Rubyspikes Guide to Hosting a Baby Shower That Doesn't Suck
Someday when my best friend gets all pregantized, I am coming back to this "guide to hosting a baby shower that doesn't suck".
A moment in time... changed forever That is the cutest thing ever!! Set clocks at time of birth
Hand me down books that took big brother on many adventures, that have pages missing, that have been well loved. A canopy from big sister…
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Wooden Blocks / Large Set / Hipster. Unique baby Shower Gift. eco-friendly. MOD. Upcycled Toy. Children. Nursery Decoration. One of a Kind. on Etsy, $77.73 AUD
One year picture ideas...fill crib with balloons and enjoy the angela hardison.: one year old.
Round Up – Issue 7 May 2013 | Pregnant Chicken
Take a picture of your baby with the news from the day they were born.
1st birthday party, soon to come...
How cute are these milestone photos?? perfect for a changeable (and storable) EasyGallery® frame
These Are The Coolest Ways To Photograph Your Baby's First Year
Kids Photo Inspiration! Photographing you child's first year #family #photography
CodePen - 404 Page
baby shower game trophies #spraypaint #babyshower #bottle #trophies #trophy #gold #silver #bronze