K_ Verrine

56 Pins
This may contain: two white bowls filled with yellow liquid next to lemons on a black tablecloth
This may contain: someone is pouring milk into a pan with food in it on the stove burners
شعيرية بالحليب اطيب تحلية شتوية
المكونات: 2 ملعقة كبيرة زبدة 1 كوب شعيرية 2-3 كوب حليب سائل بالتدريج وحسب الحاجة 4-5 ملعقة كبيرة سكر 2 ملعقة كبيرة قشطة ملعقة كبيرة ماء زهر ملعقة كبيرة ماء ورد ربع ملعقة صغيرة قرفة نترك الحليب والشعيرية تغلي على نار متوسطة 10 دقائق تقريبا حتى تصبح مستوية تماما
Una deliciosa receta!!  RECETA ☕️ 150G de hielo ☕️ 12 g de café instantáneo e an extremely ☕️ 85G de azúcar blanca o morena xture ☕️ 100 ml de agua fría ☕️ Cacao en polvo, opcional  Mezclándolo en nuestro Procesador de Alimentos  #mousse #desserttime #easydessert #nondairy#affogatolatte #vanillaicecream #homecafe #latte #coffeelatte #drinkrecipe #coffeerecipe #coffeetime #coffeelovers #coffeeaddict #homecafe #coffee #coffeelatte #mochalatte #whippedcoffee #homecafè #homecaferecipes #coffee desert #coffeerecipe #coffeeaddict #Latteart #coffee #howtomakecoffee #howtomakecoffee #barista #homecafe #coffeeart #latteart #espresso #coffee #coffeetime #coffeelover #coffeeaddict #coffeeart #homecafè #homecaferecipe #coffeerecipes #nutellacoffee #coffeelatte #CoffeeVibes #coffeeaddict #coffeetime #
Mousse de Café
Una deliciosa receta!! RECETA ☕️ 150G de hielo ☕️ 12 g de café instantáneo e an extremely ☕️ 85G de azúcar blanca o morena xture ☕️ 100 ml de agua fría ☕️ Cacao en polvo, opcional Mezclándolo en nuestro Procesador de Alimentos #mousse #desserttime #easydessert #nondairy#affogatolatte #vanillaicecream #homecafe #latte #coffeelatte #drinkrecipe #coffeerecipe #coffeetime #coffeelovers #coffeeaddict #homecafe #coffee #coffeelatte #mochalatte #whippedcoffee #homecafè #homecaferecipes #coffee desert #coffeerecipe #coffeeaddict #Latteart #coffee #howtomakecoffee #howtomakecoffee #barista #homecafe #coffeeart #latteart #espresso #coffee #coffeetime #coffeelover #coffeeaddict #coffeeart #homecafè #homecaferecipe #coffeerecipes #nutellacoffee #coffeelatte #CoffeeVibes #coffeeaddict #coffeetime #
This may contain: a hand holding a small glass cup filled with oranges on top of a wooden table
This may contain: two bowls filled with food sitting on top of a wooden tray next to sliced lemons
Crème brûlée par Alain Ducasse
Un dessert facile et tellement délicieux, au bon goût de vanille. Toute la famille sera ravie.
Biscoff Dessert Shots
#dessert #food #foodporn #foodie #cake #yummy #instafood #chocolate #sweet #delicious #foodphotography #homemade #desserts #foodstagram #baking #foodblogger #pastry #icecream #love #instagood #sweets #cakes #foodlover #sweettooth #bakery #tasty #dessertporn #cookies #birthdaycake #cupcakes
Irresistibly Delicious Simple Cheesecake Recipe
Indulge in the creamy decadence of our delectable cheesecakes. Discover a variety of flavors and styles that will tantalize your taste buds. Satisfy your cravings with every heavenly bite.
This may contain: someone is spooning into some dessert in small glasses
Panna cotta aux spéculoos