Catholic problems

93 Pins
Friendly reminder ... no meat today. There's always pizza! (with no meat of course) ‪#‎Lent2015‬ ‪#‎lent‬ ‪#‎nomeatfriday‬
Church Signs Sayings
Ahhhhhhh I see what you did there. Well played stupid church sign. Well. Played.
I may have laughed a little too hard at this one..... I have no idea why I just laughed to the point of no sound coming out.
one of my all time favorites, Catholic pick up lines!!!! bahahahaha!!!!!! (and the answer is yes XD )
Eastern Orthodox Ryan Gosling
Previous pinner- You gotta love Catholic pick-up lines! /// I'm sure the alter boys did not love hearing their priests pick up lines. Fucking perverts.
Best “Hey Girl” EVER: Ryan Gosling + Crochet
hey girl channing tatum
Catholic Pick Up Lines
Catholic Pick Up Lines