A gardening

17 Pins
How To Get Rid Of Tomato Hornworms Naturally
Your beautiful tomato plants could be decimated in a day or two by hornworms, if not caught on time. Here's how to get rid of tomato hornworms naturally, in just a few simple steps. #tomatoes #hornworm #organicgardening #vegetablegardening #tomatoworm #gardenpests #gardening
How To Make Your Own Miracle-Grow
How To Make Your Own Miracle-Gro 1 gallon of water 1 tbsp epsom salt 1 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp of Household ammonia. Mix all ingredients together and use once a month on your plants.
24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow
21 beautiful and DIY friendly garden trellis and structures, such as cucumber trellis, bean teepees, grape tunnels, pergolas, screens, etc. Create productive and enchanting garden spaces with trellis planters, panels, and more! - A Piece Of Rainbow
10 Smart Ways to Keep Squirrels Out of Flower Pots & the Garden
Hands-on tips for how to keep squirrels out of flower pots. Don't let pesky squirrels ruin your garden, learn how to keep squirrels from getting in bird feeders, digging in your flower beds, and destroying your plants. #keepsquirrelsout #squirrelfreegarden
Soap.com @ Amazon.com
Rid your garden of bugs and aphids by spraying your plants with a solution of vinegar and water. 1 cup vinegar to a gallon of water. Vinegar is a natural pesticide so you can get rid of many critters by using a solution mixed with water.
Good Housekeeping | Hearst
Sometimes you should save some grass clippings to use as mulch! The nitrogen-rich clippings are an especially good choice for mulching vegetable gardens. Your vegetables will thank you for the nitrogen boost!
Cornstarch: your friend in the garden
Cornstarch - Tomatoes best friend - safe alternative to poisons - helps deter many garden pests that feed on tomatoes