El Arish Tropical Exotics

Landscaping with Tropical Plants
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Candlestick plant and variagated lily - Dennis Hundscheid's Gallery IMG_2281
Plant Profile in Landscape outlook Magazine - Garden Expressions
Due to the relatively narrow base of this plant, it can be kept easily at one meter diameter, ‘Hot Rio Nights’ works well as a screen plant in narrow spaces. It fans out to 3 to 4 meters at the top giving plenty of coverage. No leaf drop makes it ideal for planting near swimming pools. It also works well as an accent plant or to fill a large space amongst other tropical plants. It can be a good alternative to Bamboo, it will stay true to size and perform for years given the right maintenance.
Tabu: Tropical Paradise in Cairns, Queensland
Tabu: Tropical Paradise in Cairns, Queensland
Tropical Patio Design Ideas - DIY Design & Decor
Tropical Patio Design Ideas, Renovations & Photos
Gdy tęsknimy za latem. Jesienią oraz zimą często brakuje nam słońca. Doskwiera nam także niedosyt zieleni. Nawet najlepszy ogrodnik nie jest bowiem w stanie sprawić, by ogród utrzymywał swoją świetność przez okrągły rok. W momentach, gdy tęsknimy za latem, wakacjami i słońcem, dobrze jest wybrać się w miejsce, gdzie zieleni będzie pod dostatkiem. Warto wybrać się np. do palmiarni, gdzie znajdziemy wspaniałe rośliny. #ogród #rośliny #tropikalne ##ławka
A Balinese-inspired garden in Sydney's Northern Beaches
We were influenced by the many lush tropical gardens in our coastal neighbourhood and overseas, too," she says. "Tropical plants are also amazingly hardy. It also helps that Bilgola is full of red volcanic soil so everything grows really well!"
Greg and Nicki’s Lush Tropical Courtyard
Add symmetry to hosta garden add larger trellis. traveller’s palm provides vertical drama in this tight space, bookended by the octopus-like forms of Myers asparagus ferns. Greg transformed the bare [Colorbond](http://www.colorbond.com/|target="_blank") fence on a tight budget by creating a decorative framework panel from simple garden stakes. Bamboo screening panels were framed with lengths of recycled timber. Photo: Scott Hawkins
Gardenia imperialis on JSTOR
Gardenia imperialis