Lae Lae Collection

Books for preschool children with a social learning focus. Each book includes a story, coloring and activity pages and parents notes with teachable moments.
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Lae Lae Collection
Lae Lae meets a new friend from another culture and they play together. #LaeLae #childrensbook
Lae Lae Collection
The first book in the collection which introduces Lae Lae, her family and friends. It also expresses Lae Lae's mission for her collection.
Lae Lae Collection
The perfect little book for any child adopting a puppy. The book includes activities and coloring pages and parents notes with suggestions for teachable moments for children and their puppies. Visit Lae Lae at
Lae Lae Collection
Lae Lae learns how to plant and take care of her own vegetable garden. She shares what she has grown. #LaeLae #childrensbook
Lae Lae Collection
Lae Lae meets a new friend from another culture and they play together. #LaeLae #childrensbook
Lae Lae Collection
Children love to get in the kitchen and cook. This book is about cooking safely and includes easy little recipes that children can prepare.
Lae Lae Collection
Lae Lae meets a new friend with special needs. She learns that he is just like her inside and has the same need to be loved and care for. He becomes her very good friend.
Lae Lae Collection
Fun at the beach but with lessons about the sea creatures, the ocean and taking care of the beaches and the ocean.
Lae Lae Collection
The first book in the collection which introduces Lae Lae, her family and friends. It also expresses Lae Lae's mission for her collection.