My child

153 Pins
Living the Luxury Lifestyle With High Quality Drinks
"Saying thank you says good manners for sure but teaching children to truly be thankful is an art." Good for Grown-ups too!
Create kids crafts in your kitchen
Recipes for moon sand, flubber, sidewalk paint, window paint, play dough, shaving cream paint, bubbles, and more.
5 Ways to Support Your Child's Preschool Curriculum at Home
What Your Child Should Learn in Preschool Find out what skills you can expect your child to master at 2, 3, and 4 years old
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Time Out Stool- cutest one I've seen yet! I can totally see this in my house!
Big Sibling Kits for When A New Baby Arrives- cute idea to make the sibling feel special too. (We wrapped several gifts for our son and he picked one out, when someone brought a gift over for his baby sister. He was also the one to walk the guests over and introduced them to her. He was 2 years and 10 months old.)