Fat Freezing---It works! Read what others are saying about 'fat freezing' before trying Asrai's Touch.
13 Pins
Fat Freezing Body Wrap by Asrai's Touch ..., http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AZN395A/ref=cm_sw_r_pi_dp_4R6vub12S501B
The Cold, Hard Truth: Can Ice Baths Help You Lose Weight?
Minnesotans love to complain about our winter weather, but we also know how to enjoy it. So, what if the secret to losing weight was actually buried in all that snow and ice?
Irisin and FGF21 Are Cold-Induced Endocrine Activators of Brown Fat Function in Humans
Rediscovery of cold-activated brown adipose tissue (BAT) in humans has boosted research interest in identifying BAT activators for metabolic benefits. Asrai's Touch is designed to activate your brown adipose tissue (BAT).
Cryolipolysis: Info, Prices, Photos, Reviews, Q&A
Fat Freezing from Cooltech is making waves across the UK. With some patients seeing over 45% fat reduction in treatment areas in just one fat freezing session! We have decided to pull a useful infographic to give you the key Cooltech stats. #infographics
Embrace the cold: Evidence that shivering and exercise may convert white fat to brown
Embrace the cold: Evidence that shivering and exercise may convert white fat to brown
Lose inches of Ugly Fat with Fat Freezing Body Wrap
The Week: The Latest News, Opinion, Sport, People & Business
Can you freeze your fat away? Maybe. Should you? No.
Endocrine Press
The Effects of Temperature and Seasons on Subcutaneous White Adipose Tissue in Humans: Evidence for Thermogenic Gene Induction: The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism: Vol 99, No 12
Lets be real here. Freezing your ass off is a really good weight loss regime. I lived in a snow cave for 13 days and ate bacon all day, every day. Lost SO MUCH weight. I should start a winter fat camp. Like Heavyweights, but without the PerkiSystem and add snow.