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Look Great, Feel Great
The Quickest Way to Melt Pounds - Let's all agree that the quickest way to burn fat isn't a slow, 60-minute session on the elliptical. In fact, if you want to see results, you've got to think quick. Go shorter and lose more? Here's why high-intensity interval training (HIIT) works for weight loss.
Look Great, Feel Great
HIIT workout suggestions --- throw these in before some Interval running, I print these out or put them on my iPhone to have them right there with me at the gym!
Look Great, Feel Great
For maximum fat loss, we discussed working out on low glycogen stores. That means you could either a) get up first thing in the morning and get your cardio workout done or b) perform your HIIT or low-intensity cardio session immediately or an hour after your weight training session.
Look Great, Feel Great
Burn Calories and Tone at the same time. Quick work out at home! Heart beat racing! :) LOVE IT
Look Great, Feel Great
HIIT Workout Week 2 | ahealthylifeforme.com - with a how to video. Great travel workout.
Look Great, Feel Great
A 15 Minute HIIT Workout that blasts fat FAST. Can be done at home with very little equipment! The link also has a video explaining how to do all the moves
Look Great, Feel Great
How to lose 15 pounds in 2 months doing short bursts of intense exercise
Look Great, Feel Great
The Workout to Help You Lose One Pound This Week. This looks a little hard for right now ha
Look Great, Feel Great
My favorite class at the gym other than P90x of course ;)
Look Great, Feel Great
Cardio doesn't just mean running. Cardio is anything that gets your heart rate up. Why not combine both strength workout and aerobic workout to get the most of your cardio routine? Do this 4 minute tabata workout to burn calories and tone up your full body.
Look Great, Feel Great
High Intensity Interval Training: Best Method For Fat Loss http://lifelivity.com/high-intensity-interval-training-hiit/
Look Great, Feel Great
Most people will lose weight on a daily diet of 1,500 calories, which is the total calorie count for all the food pictured here.