Dark Skies

Light pollution and the search for Natural Skies in the Natural State.
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Illusion of Lights: A Journey into the Unseen Trailer
Illusion of Lights introduces you to the concept of movement and time that visually explores our night skies. Beginning with the dazzling chaos of urban light pollution, the film takes you on a magnificent trip across pristine wilderness areas and shares with you the wonders of our night skies. With hundreds of thousands of gorgeous images produced especially for this project, Illusion of Lights gives you scene after scene of unique and detailed views from locations few will ever encounter. ...
Bring on the night, say National Park visitors in new study
Bring on the night, say National Park visitors in new study Visitors value night skies, want them protected from light pollution
The Loneliness of the Long-Abandoned Space Observatory
The Loneliness of the Long-Abandoned Space ObservatoryWarner & Swasey Observatory in Cleveland, Ohio, constructed in 1919 by Worchester R. Warner and Ambrose Swasey. It had a 9.5-inch refractor after its opening, but later a 24-inch Burrell Schmidt and a 36-inch Cassegrain telesope were installed. Due to the growing light pollution in the city a new observatory was built and the complex was sold in 1983. It's abandoned since then.
Light pollution bad for wallaby reproduction
Tammar wallaby and joey | Artificial light is causing some wallabies to delay when they give birth, putting them out of sync with the food resources they need to feed their young, new research suggests. And energy-efficient LED lighting could make matters worse, unless care is taken to develop "wildlife-friendly lighting", say the authors in today's Royal Society journal Proceedings B.
10 Shocking Facts About the Nighttime Sky From the Light Pollution World Atlas
Moths are evolving to deal with city light pollution While the moths might be able to ignore city lights, researchers see some downsides to this adaptation.
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Citizen scientists can help researchers monitor light pollution with this app
Astronauts found something troubling in these shots from space
LED light pollution is now visible from space -- LEDs worsen light pollution by giving off more blue and green light than the high-pressure sodium lights they normally replace. And this artificial light pollution washes out the night sky and is linked to many negative consequences. Disrupted night and day cycles interfere with human sleep patterns while confusing nocturnal animals and altering their hunting interactions, migratory patterns, and internal physiology.
Earth at night from space
Earth at night from space...in love with these pictures. So breathtaking!
Cold Night in Bozeman
Milky Way, Cold Night in Bozeman, Montana. One of the most beautiful places I have ever been!! I want to go back.