Humanidades digitales

Recopilación de recursos sobre Humanidades digitales
8 Pins
Sitio web en mantenimiento
II Congreso Internacional sobre Humanidades digitales en 2015 en Madrid
Inicio - LINHD
LINHD es un centro de investigación en Humanidades Digitales de la UNED que funciona como marco de innovación, investigación, asesoría y formación a investigadores y proyectos en español.
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities | Oxford Academic
LLC: The Journal of Digital Scholarship in the Humanities is an international journal which publishes work on all aspects of computing and information technology applied to literature and language research and teaching.
A Global Coalition of Digital Humanities Organizations
The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) promotes and supports digital research and teaching across all arts and humanities disciplines, acting as a community-based advisory force, and supporting excellence in research, publication, collaboration and training.