Bible Study Tips

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You have already heard the spiel: wake up earlier, stay up an hour later, give God your lunch hour, etc... but here are some encouraging tie-bits on WHY and HOW it works to study God's Word in a busy life.
Sometimes, studying the Bible is like exercising. Its exceptionally good for our health, but it is difficult sometimes. Here are 5 ways to apply advice (about hitting the gym) to studying God’s Word.
How S.O.A.P Changed My Life
SOAP bible study method. Wow! Never thought of the SOAP method this way. this is how I was taught to do medical documentation for work. Here it is different, but not by much. Interesting. I will have to try it. :)
Perhaps you need a change of scenery or some spark in the situation. Use the helpful tips to get you out of a “Bible-study boredom” rut and on the path to “finally interested.”
Quiet Time with God: A How-To Series {Part Two: Prayer Resources} - Sheri Dacon
How to Create a Personal Prayer Notebook - The Healthy Happy Woman
How to Create a Personal Prayer Notebook - The Healthy Happy Woman
How to Create a Personal Prayer Notebook - The Healthy Happy Woman
How can you make confession a regular part of your times with the Lord? Find out in my post - How to Create a Personal Prayer Notebook - The Healthy Happy Woman
Jesus in every book of the Bible
The Bible is about Jesus. He is spoken of or pictured in every book of the Bible - See what prophecies, types and titles are given to the Lord Jesus in all the books of the Bible here!
Pumpkin-Spice Quiet Time
Pumpkin Spice Quiet Time: Delighting in Jesus in Response to His Goodness
Becky Rosty is now blogging at Campfire Grace on