Wednesday night Teen Class

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Christian Object Lessons from a Toolbox - Spiritual Gifts & the Church
Great Christian object lesson using a toolbox & tools to teach how God uses each of us uniquely in the Church!
Lesson on Obedience. Shining for Jesus Nice application story and experiment cleaning pennies with salt and vinegar
D Do everything without complaining or arguing. Philippians 2:14
Phil. 2:14 printables and lesson with time breakdown!!! - Great lesson on being thankful instead of complaining!
Diary of a Godly Kid 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum
Diary of a Godly Kid 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum.
How to Teach Kids About Joy - A Game
Joy is Contagious Game! (Kids tag as many kids as they can with their assigned color 'joy' sticker. When time is up, count attached stickers to see who was able to spread the most joy.) Bible verse: "For I have derived much joy and comfort from your love, my brother, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you."
Diary of a Godly Kid 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum
Diary of a Godly Kid 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum.
MINUTE TO WIN IT combined activity
Minute to win it based on the scriptures...Tower of babel, Iron Rod, Samuel the Lamanite, Stone of Jared
Prayer Journal. we’re starting small. the prayer hand
Prayer Journal. we're starting small. the prayer hand
Bible Bowl
Bible Bowl (Could be a fun Sunday school game.)
Bible Scavenger Hunt is a game which gets kids up and moving and encourages them to get familiar with their Bibles. We used this with our middle school VBS program a couple of weeks ago. It would also work as a teen youth group game. The idea of this game is that each team goes outside and receives a list of Bible verses. They look up the verse and then try to find one of the items listed in that verse. Suggested verses:
The Great Commission- Colour My World!
What begins as a plain world is soon coloured by Christians spreading the Good News of Christ. Object lesson, great commission, ascension craft. Love this activity!