CENTER SPACE is a non-profit membership organization that provides programs and services that help people A.R.K. Awaken to Spirit; Realize more of their potential; and Know how to fulfill their ultimate destiny (whatever that means to each individual).Our ultimate goal is to establish an international network of Centers for Spiritual, Personal and Community Enlightenment to help individuals, organizations and communities see, believe and achieve all they can be, do and have stewardship over.
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CENTER SPACE Within is Where I Seek to Live
CENTER SPACE--The Center for Spiritual, Personal And Community Enlightenment
When you become aware of your true self, begin to live authentically, and embrace your unlimited true potential, you have awakened.
CENTER SPACE Strategic Marketing Matrix
Our ultimate vision is blessing and helping millions of people to A.R.K.--Awaken to Spirit, Realize their potential and Know how to create their Ultimate Destiny. We have adapted the Strategic Marketing Matrix™ to demonstrate how we plan to facilitate the Ultimate Success of CENTER SPACE. It shows how all the individual facets are strategically interconnected. We invite cocreative participation in helping complete these programs in various stages of development.
Godhood Who Me? Oh My God!
Who are we and why are we here? What is our ultimate purpose and destiny? Is it possible to become more God-like in our thoughts, attitudes and actions? What did Jesus mean when he said we could do even greater works? The program includes: exercises for Listening to the Still Small Voice; Daily Disciplines toward God-ness; Practicing the Presence of God; Radiating the Fruits of the Spirit; Seven Ascension Attitudes; Crowned with the Ultimate Success of the Lord; and Partnership with the Lord.
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Discovering and Manifesting Your Dreams with Co-Creative Visioning is a process for community visioning and strategic planning. It includes practical steps for bringing community dreams into reality, using a series of visioning and strategic planning procedures that help identify core values, discern a shared vision, develop a mission statement, specific goals, strategies and action plans.
Enlightenment 101 Resources
Enlightenment 101 is a how-to-guidebook and directory for resources on personal, organizational, community and spiritual enlightenment. It features over 101 mostly free resources for applying Universal Laws including the Law of Attraction introduced in “The Secret” Movie. Included are over 101 pages of quizzes, self-assessments, reviews and instructions on how to access and get the most out of featured resources along with a Plan of Action to apply new ideas.
Empowerment 101 Resources
Empowerment 101 is a resource guidebook and directory of resources on personal, social, organizational, community and spiritual empowerment. It features over 101 mostly free resources to help people, organizations and communities see, believe and achieve all they can be, do and have. It includes over 101 pages of quizzes, self-assessments, reviews and instructions on how to access and get the most out of featured resources.
Partnership with God
Would you like to have God as your major partner in life? Could you use help in holding the highest possible vision of who you are, why you are here and all you can be and do? Would you like to be, do and have everything that is possible? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, this program is for you. It includes Setting Spiritually Centered Goals, Biblical Scriptures on Successful Living, Daily Mindstorming Exercise, and excerpts from God Calling, Ye Are Gods, and Unity Pamphlets.
TULIPS - The Ultimate Life Inpowerment Planning System
The Ultimate Life Inpowerment Planning System is a comprehensive program and process for identifying and achieving personal, professional, organizational and lifetime goals within a spiritually oriented context. TULIPS includes: Successful Living Principles; Practicing the Presence of God; Seven Ascension Attitudes; Partnership Agreement With God; Achieving Spiritually Oriented Goals; Tapping Your Creative Thinking and Problem Solving Powers; and Effective Use of Visioning and Affirmations.
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Crowned with the Ultimate Success of the Lord introduces Seven Steps to Awaken to Spirit, Realize More of Your Potential and Know How To Fulfill Your Ultimate Destiny. The program Includes: Partnership with God; Seven Ascension Attitudes; Seven Points of Being Crowned with USL; God Calling; Ye Are Gods; Be Still and Know God; Daily Disciplines Toward Godhood; Practicing the Presence of God; Your Interview with God and the Ultimate Entrance Exam.
Seven Ascension Attitudes
This program presents ways to Rise and Shine by incorporating the Seven Ascension Attitudes of Love; Praise; Gratitude; Seek first the Kingdom; Ask, Seek and Knock; Let Go and Let God; and Be Still and Know God. It helps you remember to include them in your thoughts, attitudes and activities. Benjamin Franklin attributed much of his success in life to his practice of Thirteen Virtues and a daily retrospection process that you will learn to apply as you practice the Seven Ascension Attitudes.