19 Pins
Tornado Dog
WARNING: This twist on a hot dog will blow you away! Check out this genius hot dog recipe is perfect for dipping!
Chilean Artist and Animator. She has stretched the limited possibilities of short format videos through meticulous hard work and visual flair, producing linear animations of simplified self-portraits inspired by her personal inner...
Некоторые новые анимированные произведения из Хавьера Лопез чилийского художника и аниматора. Она простиралась ограниченные возможности коротких видео форматов через кропотливую тяжелую работу и визуальный чутье, производя линейные анимации упрощенных автопортретов ...
mdmnarca_jnklog ★ || CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCES ( - • Do you love Character Design? Join the Character Design Challenge! (link→ Share your unique vision of a theme every month, promote your art, learn and make new friends in a community of over 16.000 artists who share your same passion! || ★
thecommaspace: “Finally finished the cleans for my anthonyholden fanimation!
#confluencia inversa#simetría
Christmas Tree Nutella Pie
A Nutella christmas tree pie like you've never seen before! Tear off the delicious branches of chocolate-y, flakey goodness!