
22 Pins
Top 10 Natural DIY House Cleaning Products
I started doing this and will never stop! My tub & shower are always spotless-so simple. Simple shower and tub cleaner: fill wand half and half. Wet surface and scrub. wow! leave in shower & wash while you are already in there - Click image to find more Home Decor Pinterest pins
Bath Towels & Washcloths for Sale - eBay
Let's face it, it's happened to the best of us. Wet swimsuits, winter clothes, or even something as simple as getting busy and forgetting to toss a load of wash into the dryer. The next thing you know, your clothes or towels have developed a nasty smelling odor that just lingers. Mildew, moldy smelling towels are the WORST, and eBay has a solution! Read on to find out how to get rid of the mildew smell in your laundry.
15 Inspirational Quotes To Get You Through The Week
Inspirational Quotes To Get You Through The Week (February 25, 2014) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/25/inspirational-quotes_n_4854883.html?utm_hp_ref=good-news&ir=Good%20News
How I Improved My Skin {Acne, Scaring & Overall Complexion}..... I think i've hit the pinterest jackpot.
How to Easily Make Nail Polish on Nails Last Longer!
... Did you know…. You can make nail polish last longer on your nails with vinegar?! Just take a cotton ball and dip it in vinegar then swipe it over your un-polished nail. After it’s dry, polish your nail! That’s it, your nail polish will last longer I need to try this
No More Dryer Sheets OR Fabric Softener.
THIS REALLY WORKS AND LAUNDRY IS SUPER SOFT!!! Soak a hand towel in fabric softener. Squeeze out any remaining drops from the towel. Hang it over a chair (or outside on a clothes line) to dry. My house smelled super clean for the three days while this towel was drying completely. Yes, it took three days! You must make sure it dries completely! After the towel dries you just throw it in your dryer along with clothes and use it as a dryer sheet for 40-50 loads before soaking again.
The Perfect Eyebrow by ChrisspyMakeup: 1.) I start by underlining my brows with MAC Fluidline in Dipdown which is a gel liner - you can use
The Perfect Eyebrow by ChrisspyMakeup: 1.) I start by underlining my brows with MAC Fluidline in Dipdown which is a gel liner - you can use a brow pencil for this too! 2.) Next, shade lower half with a medium brown brow powder then fill in the rest with a lighter brown shading towards the front 3.) Then I use a flat brush and concealer to carve out the shape of the brow 4.) Make sure you blend it in with your foundation! You can also set it with a translucent powder if your feeling frisky
Daily Detoxing Tips - Whole Living Wellness - Whole Living
Once a week for 20 minutes, sit in a hot bath that contains a handful of Epsom salts, 10 drops of lavender essential oil, and a half cup of baking soda. This combo draws out toxins, lowers stress-related hormones, and balances your pH levels.