
108 Pins
June Currently!
What a great picture for the first day of school. Could put your class name in the middle of the heart...
Cassie Dahl: Teaching & Technology: Student Accountability
Student-led reading groups in an upper elementary classroom. This contains a self-assessment piece (FREEBIE!)
Setting Up Your Classroom: 9 Practical Things You May Not Have Thought Of
Setting Up Your Classroom: 9 Practical Things You May Not Have Thought Of | Teach 4 the Heart
What's Skow-ing on in 4th Grade??
First week of school, this can be used for beginning of the year discussions of expectations.
Mrs. Robinson's Classroom Blog
Six questions to ask your kids on the first day of school. What should kids in our class be doing to make sure our class rums as smooth as possible? What do you hope to learn this year? What will you need to do in order to be successful this year? What will (teacher) need to do to help you this year? Our class should be _____ everyday? School is important because _____
End of the Day Jar- Questions Cards for Community Building in the Classroom
FREE!! The End of the Jar is a great way to end the school day and wonderful for classroom management!
Cute attention . In my Kindergarten class that I am observing the teacher says "Oh class, oh class." and the students reply with "Oh yes, oh yes?". Another cute thing that she says is "Easy peasy," and the kids say "lemon squezy!"
Life... as I know it: Whole-Class Journaling -- FREE-- whole-class journal prompts (simply print and glue on a notebook): Love this idea. One per table (shared between both classes); each kid @ table responds to the same "get to know you"/"would your rather..." prompt throughout week; kids get to read each other's responses.