Learning Spaces

LEARNING SPACE - Love the movable walls and furniture to create the space we need based on the people attending.
Amazon.com. Spend less. Smile more.
masquespacio rebrands barcelona's acadèmia altimira - created via http://pinthemall.net
small tiered seating provides opportunities for shared experiences - the mistake is usually to make it too big - this is just fine
RebelsMarket - Book Fountain, Cincinnati Public Library | Facebook
Book Fountain, Cincinnati Public Library
Planning Ideas Archive - Steelcase
Steelcase media:scape 4-seat collaboration setups, incorporating technology for group work.
Study pod in Edinburgh University library, designed to encourage group work. The screen can be unbolted to open up the area.
kim williams (@thelibrarykim) / Twitter
From Twitter stream of Kim Williams, Australian librarian (on Twitter she is @+thelibrary+kim - remove the + signs - Pinterest is being weird when I type it straight). This book return was made by artist @mrchrisgaul for @Uts Library. This link should show you the back view https://twitter.com/thelibrarykim/status/450808552643231744/photo/1