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The Temple Of Isis
Pompeii. Isis Statue | Temple of Isis. Isis (Ancient Greek: Ἶσις, original Egyptian pronunciation more likely "Aset" or "Iset") is a goddess in Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs, whose worship spread throughout the Greco-Roman world. She was worshipped as the ideal mother and wife as well as the patroness of nature and magic.
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Kroisos Kouros - Ancient Greek sculpture, c. 530 BCE
Kneeling Statue of Yuny | New Kingdom, Ramesside | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Kneeling Statue of Yuny Period: New Kingdom, Ramesside Dynasty: Dynasty 19 Reign: reign of Seti I Date: ca. 1294–1279 B.C. Geography: Egypt, Middle Egypt, Asyut (Assiut, Siut; Lykopolis), Tomb of Amenhotep, Necropolis Cliff tomb, Medjdeni, Khashaba 1913
Indoors Art for Sale - Fine Art America
✮ A black grantie statue of Isis, the mother of Thutmosis III
Ahmes-Nefertari - Amigos de la Egiptología
Detalle del tocado. Foto en G. ANDREU, La statuette d'Ahmès Néfertari, París,
Tomb statue of Khaemtore (RMO Leiden, Thebe(Deir el-Medina) ~1255-1214bc 19d)
Tomb statue of Khaemtore, Thebes (Deir el-Medina) ~1255-1214BC. RMO Museum, Leiden, Netherlands
Réunion des Musées Nationaux-Grand Palais
Sistrum Henuttawy. Third Intermediate Period (1069-664 BC to AD). Lieu de découverte : Egypte (origine). Handle detail: head of Hathor. Paris, musée du Louvre. Photo (C) RMN-Grand Palais / Hervé Lewandowski
Usimare Ramesses III (also written Ramses and Rameses) was the second Pharaoh of the Twentieth Dynasty and is considered to be the last great New Kingdom king to wield any substantial authority over Egypt. Ramesses III was the son of Setnakhte and Queen Tiy-Merenese. He was probably murdered by an assassin in a conspiracy led by one of his secondary wives and her minor son.
Statue of Sény(néfer), Secretary of the King
Statue of Sény(néfer), Secretary of the King, and his wife Hatshepsut.. Detail of Sény(néfer. Reign of Amenophis II. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
History - Ancient History in depth: Ancient Egyptian Gods Gallery
Hathor-Hathor was a cow-goddess, depicted as a cow, a cow-headed woman, or a woman with a cow's horns and ears. She was known as the Golden One, Lady of Love, Music and Intoxication, and her main cult centre was at Dendera.
La estatua del rey Micerino y su reina representa al faraón de la IV dinastía del Imperio Antiguo de Egipto, hijo de Kefrén y nieto Keops, que reinó entre 2514 a. C. y 2486 a. C. y a su esposa la reina Jamerernebty.
Relief Sculpture Of Cleopatra Vii 69-30 by Everett
Egyptian Queen Nefertari