Parenting inspiration and encouragement for your parenting journey.
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Ten Scriptures to Pray Over Your Child This School Year
With the end of August quickly approaching, I think we can safely say that back to school and drop off season is complete. I don’t know about you, but I find that September is a great time to step back and reset. My mind wanders to my child, thinking about his day, his plans, his struggles, and I think it is natural to start a laundry list of concerns. This week on the blog, we have ten Scriptures to pray over your children starting today.
National Pancake Day
It's National Pancake Day... Start the day or end the day with Pancakes. Either way serving pancakes is one of the best ways to make it a family fun meal together. #Parentingpathway, #nationalpancakeday
Stories From the Workbench—An Interview with Pastor Dave Carl
We are excited to introduce you to Family and Children's Ministry Pastor David Carl and his Stories From the Workbench. Pastor Dave has a gift for storytelling. The magic he has created in his workshop will touch all generations. We recently sat down with Pastor Dave to learn more about his passion for his workshop, woodworking, and telling Bible stories. After reading this, you might just want to watch this whole video series with your family.
What I'm Listening To
As a mom of 6 kids ranging from 7-15, I am managing different personalities at different stages of life, and it can be a struggle. As you can imagine, I have a lot of time in my car dropping off and picking up kids to 3 different schools, plus their appointments, activities, and errands. I have found that I love listening to podcasts as I check off my list for the day. Here are a few that I would recommend.
Don’t Give Up on Your New Year’s Goals
We are well into the new year, and most of us have had a few starts and stops with our new year's resolutions. Most of us tend to beat ourselves up when we fail, and very few of us can experience a setback and jump right back on course. But what if you could lean into God’s love for you, dust yourself off, and start again? This week, we are sharing some thoughts to help you give yourself grace in your goals.
It's Not Your Job to FIX Your Child's Life
How many times have we rushed in to fix the problems in our children’s lives? For each child in the world, there is story where we parents have stepped in to fix a situation. But you know what? It’s not our job to fix our children’s lives. I was recently heard a speaker suggested that each time we step in, we are doing two things. We are telling our kids that they cannot solve their own problems. But more than that, we are telling God we do not trust Him to care for our children.
Little People, Big Emotions
Some days have all the ingredients in place for a big emotional meltdown. Emotional Regulation is a fancy term, but refers to our ability to, recognize and name our emotions, identify how those emotions make us feel, and what we need to do to come back to our center. Sounds easy, but for a child with only a few hundred vocabulary words, that can be hard. Our goal is to help them learn easy-to-use tools that will help regulate their big emotions, and develop appropriate and healthy coping skills.
Question of the Week.
What does it mean to you that God pursues you? Does the thought that our God desires a personal relationship with you overwhelm you? It does me. I am so humbled by this. Think of the hurting and lonely unbelievers in your own life and consider what a difference sharing this truth with them would make. Grateful, Melissa
Happy Spring Break North Texas...
I am a huge fan of using Spring Break to connect with your kids... even if you are not going skiing, to the beach or another great adventure, blocking out some one-on-one time with each child, and some family adventures will go a long way to making connections with your kids. Read Conversation Starters to Connect With Your Kids on for more ideas to make it a great week.
Are you and your family drained by lack of sleep? As children's minds develop and they become more aware of the world around them, there is more for them to process, to understand, to worry about or be confused by. Children subconsciously sort through their thoughts, reorder them, and fill in the gaps in their sleep. This can lead to long cycles of nightmares that rob them (and you) of much-needed sleep. We're sharing five tips to guide you as you help your children manage their nightmares.
Family Mission Statement
One of the benefits of the last couple years and our journey through a global pandemic is that it has given us the opportunity to step back and really evaluate what is important. As we started to reassemble our lives after the initial shutdown, in most cases, we were more aware of what we had allowed to crowd our time and drain our resources. Before we get too far from this new awareness, now is a good time to pause and create a family mission statement. Here are 5 steps to get you started
Holidays and Your Message
It’s always such a great moment of anticipation to look forward to the weeks ahead. Yet this incredible time of joy and celebration can be incredibly taxing and detrimental to our marriages if we’re not careful. So how can we go about holiday-proofing our marriages? How can we not only survive the holidays but possibly thrive in this season? This week on the blog, we share ideas to help us travel this challenging season with joy and renewed commitment to our spouse.
Are You A Drone Parent?
We have all heard of Helicopter Parenting, but have you heard of Drone Parenting? A Drone Parent is a parent who seems as having a hands-off approach to parenting. They use technology to monitor, restrict, and protect their children from themselves and the world around them. Most of us at one time or another cross the boundary between parenting and overparenting. And unfortunately, when we get carried away, we are having a big impact on the psychological development of our kids.