317 Pins
News: July 2005
Fenton Art Glass
Learn to Paint - How to Paint an ANGLE BRUSH ROSE! | Donna Dewberry (2018)
How to Paint an ANGLE BRUSH ROSE! | Donna Dewberry (2018) - YouTube
Donna Dewberry Free Patterns | 240B63951 - Border | DONNA DEWBERRY KITCHEN, BATH, & BEDROOM ...
New Lession - One Stroke Painting
One Stroke card painting ideas | CreationS - The Essene of Arts: New Lession - One Stroke Painting
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Hand Painted Bookmark with Pink Spring Flowers by bunnyhutchdesigns, $4.50
This is a gift bag that I painted with an Rose bud vine pattern back when I lived in Maine and was teaching One Stroke Painting at Michael's Arts & Crafts. It has been stored in a canvas bag for the past several years. A friend asked me to sell it to her so she could frame it and give it to someone as a gift. How could I say no?
Gift Bag Hand Painted Pink Roses Paper Gift Bag | Etsy
Gift Bag Hand Painted Pink Roses Paper Gift Bag by pinkrose1611, $4.50