The Claw...

75 Pins
How to Win at a Claw Machine Every Time: Tips & Tricks
Good tips for playing claw game irl. wikiHow to Win at a Claw Machine -- via
Claw Machine Games at Pizza Planet
My visit to Pizza Planet restaurant & arcade at Hollywood Studios at Disney World in Orlando, Florida, USA #claw
BirthdayExpress @
Group Costume Idea: for Halloween have everybody wear one of these Toy Story Alien Cone Hats and be a bunch of Little Green Men from inside The Claw!
Disney Pixar's Yellow Pizza Truck - FunSubstance
The yellow pizza truck is in every Pixar movie, that's awesome.
Sega Balance Skill Tester : DigInfo
Claw Game You Play by Standing on a Balance Board from Sega Balance Skill Tester : DigInfo
How clawmasters enjoy Shark Week (AUG 2014)
Its a cute "UFO Catcher Dress" with a claw on it! So pretty!
Yay! I found another free claw game on the web to add to my collection: UFO Catcher 8!
Occasional 'Toon 11/15/11
dan sipple illustration blog: Occasional 'Toon 11/15/11
10/25/12 Its almost Halloween, here's a treat! Ryan Szeto's creepy claw machine video called "Switcheroo"