
88 Pins
Yesssssss! So many moms don't realize that one day their sons will get married and have children one day too!
Pinterest : @MazLyons Want to get this for inside my son's waldrobe. Think it's a perfect thing for him to read while getting dressed every morning..
Cookie Monster Cupcakes
Cookie Monster cupcake I sell around tallmadge Ohio email address is
#Friendship #Quotes I felt you. You were a pea. Then a lemon. Then an eggplant. I followed advice. I read twelve books. I quit coffee. Could you tell I was scared? I talked to you, sang to you… I wasn’t ready. But then you were here. Ten toes. Eight pounds. Love. Big fat love. I held you. I fed you. I realized that I would spend my life doing things to make you happy — and that that would make me happy. And then there are the times I want to give up. You’ve made me rethink my sanity….
I love this! Because yes I made a son but that little baby made me a Mommy!!
4 Team Umizoomi Halloween Printables
The ABCs of Raising Boys
Ha! I have already figured out by how the girls love my boys that I am going to be a feisty momma.
how to teach your kids to have fun by themselves
Just think what you could accomplish! How to get a toddler to play quietly for 30 minutes (or more!) every day via Beauty Through Imperfection
4 Team Umizoomi Halloween Printables
Raising boys