
69 Pins
Activities for Kids on the Autism Spectrum
comic strip stories, great for teaching kids perspective taking skills; Or have the kids draw their own stick figures
Social Skills Lesson: Birthday Party
Fun social skills lesson to teach perspective taking and "hidden" social rules! Free!
Slam Dunk Perspective Taking: Speech Therapy, Pragmatics, Social language
Slam Dunk Perspective Taking: This freebie download focuses on teaching emotions, perspective taking, and social problem solving using social scenarios
Social Skills Calendar | Speechy Musings
This school year, I'll be running a social skills group at my work! I wanted a basic outline of topics to hopefully target each week. I decided that most of the time, things are too difficult to ta...
Topic Maintenance Bullseye
Free! Let's Stay on Topic! bullseye and it's detachable darts to facilitate discussion about topic maintenance. Designed for the student who has pragmatic language difficulties
Social Skills - Losing a game
Social Skills - Losing a game
How to Teach Social Skills, Step by Step
Teaching Social Skills - step-by-step directions on Laura Candler's Teaching Resources website
Educational Resources for Special Needs
How to end a conversation.
justafigureofspeech 3
Great visuals to point when a person is expressing odd or friendly thoughts!
Appropriate Laughter - Social Story Packet
Free Appropriate Laughter - Social Story Packet.
Social Stories : File Folder Heaven - Printable, Hands-On Fun with File Folder Games
Folder Stories : File Folder Games at File Folder Heaven - Printable, hands-on fun!
The Way that I Feel---customize a book for your kids from a template
Make a custom-made feelings book from a template
Looks Like Language
Social Language- Friendly or Not? Game Cards- FREE Printable task cards to talk about or explain why behaviors are friendly or not.