From the other side...

A Haunting We Will Go: June 2008
I haven't mentioned any of the huanted establisments in Colonial Williamsburg for a few days so I thought I would take up where I left off with the Kings Arms Tavern It is believed to be haunted by a woman named Irma. She lived and died in the 1700'a As the story goes she died because of a fire when a candle was dropp
5 haunts in Virginia's Historic Triangle
Rosewell Plantation, Gloucester, VA - was built in 1725 on the banks of the York River, and was home to the Page family, who was known for throwing lavish parties in the years after the Civil War. It burned to the ground in 1916.
Rosewell Plantation © Pamela Gail Shinn 2009
Rosewell Plantation ruins, Gloucester, Virginia. Thomas Jefferson was a frequent visitor, and wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence here.
The Martha Washington Inn – One of the Most Haunted Places in Virginia
The Martha Washington Inn is considered to be one of the most haunted places in Virginia. If you are searching for haunted places to stay, particularly a haunted inn, you are likely to find this structure to be absolutely perfect as far as accommodations are concerned. The Marsha Washington Inn is considered a historic landmark located in the State of Virginia.