CPR Critical Histories - Pakeha Responses 1

Unit Five Section One: Tikanga Māori and Pākehā law.
15 Pins
Anti-racism activities | Years 3-12 - Racism. No Way!
A range of anti-racism activities, some interactives, puzzles and quizzes, comics and lesson ideas.
11 Activities to Help Students Understand Different Perspectives
11 Activities to Help Students Understand Different Perspectives - Institute for Humane Education
He Puna Mātauranga o Te Tiriti
Treaty Resource Centre.
Econ -ism’s Explained (funny)
Econ-isms explained text version.
LEGO Charles II King of Bling
Video, 'Lego – King Charles II: King of Bling'. Explains the monarchy restoration.
Online Etymology Dictionary
Online Etymology Dictionary – Great for exploring the origins of words and concepts that you will be exploring in class.
"Law" or "Lore"?
Grammar Monster: The difference between law and lore.