CPR Critical Histories - Te Ao Maori o Nehera 4

Unit One Section Four: Ngā Hekenga - Migrations.
27 Pins
All the World's Immigration Visualized in 1 Map - Metrocosm
Visualizing the flow of the world's migrants from country to country.
Pacific voyaging and discovery
Pacific voyaging and discovery - Encounters | NZHistory, New Zealand history online
Canoe navigation
Māori arrival and settlement – Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand
Interactive World Migration Report 2022
Sacred Waka to Undertake 10,000 Nautical Miles
Sacred Waka to Undertake 10,000 Nautical Miles Using the Stars, Moon and Sun.
Migration Information Source
Migration Information Source – Country Profile: New Zealand: The Politicisation of Immigration.
He Puna Mātauranga o Te Tiriti
Treaty Resource Centre – He Puna Mātauranga o Te Tiriti
Supporting teaching and learning
Issue 105: Unravelling the links – Mitochondria and Māori migrations. How DNA evidence supports the theory of planned migration.