Space: Where are we headed?

Author David Brin looks at our future in space. Where is NASA headed and what is the role of private enterprise?
31 Pins
Arthur C. Clarke Center: How Big is the World?
Exploring the Multiverse: Cosmology and Beyond: A discussion with David Brin, Brian Keating and Andrew Friedman at UCSD’s Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination
David Brin, physicist, science fiction author
Our Near and Distant Future in Space: from the Space Technology Innovations Conference
Reinvent the Exploration of Outer Space
Re-Invent Outer Space, The Barnstorming Era: We’re entering the second era of humans in space, the 'barn-storming era. Listen to an all-star online gathering on the Re-Inventors' site, an "outer space roundtable." -- a stimulating discussion with Geoffrey Landis, Ariel Waldman, Peter Leyden, Andrew Hoppin, Chris McKay, Jim Karavala...
Space! Heading out there...
CONTRARY BRIN: Space! Heading out there...
Our best year in space yet!
CONTRARY BRIN: Our best year in space ever!
Space Marvels - galaxies, space-power, "my" asteroid... and comets...
Space Marvels - galaxies, space-power, "my" asteroid... and comets...
The Moon Landing: 45 Years Later
The Moon Landing: 45 Years Later
David Brin, physicist, science fiction author
Our Future in Space: David Brin speaks at the Space Technology Innovations Conference, 2014
Innovations to help us conquer space
Innovations to help us conquer space
A New Barnstorming Age: the Near Future of Manned Spaceflight
A New Barnstorming Age: the Near Future of Manned Spaceflight
Mixed News from Space
Amid fretful resignation, we learn of the likely loss of the magnificent Kepler mission...which discovered as many as three thousand planets beyond our solar system. Can we agree by national consensus about just one thing? That we must follow this up with something even better and more grand? Say to yourself… aloud… the following words. "I am a member of a civilization that does stuff like that."
Exciting Possibilities in (and about) space! A look at NASA's NIAC: Innovative Advanced Concepts.
Water and Wrenches, Belts and Suspenders: A rational approach to exploring Mars & Beyond
Water and Wrenches, Belts and Suspenders: A rational approach to exploring Mars & Beyond