
185 Pins
How to Build a Giant DIY Garage Cabinet
♥ Learn how to build a giant garage cabinet at
Improvements | Garden & Outdoor Tools and Décor | HSN
Garage Door Threshold - seals out rain, rodents, leaves. SO need this.
How to Build a DIY Downdraft Table | FixThisBuildThat
Downdraft Sanding Table Box - Learn how to make a simple box that will give you excellent dust collection for sanding your woodworking projects.
Shop Drafting Table - FineWoodworking
Be good as a drafting table/work table for the spare room, would need to adjust the angle to make a flat table height.
Home made Panel saw
Home made Panel saw - by David Dean @ ~ woodworking community
Acquired Domain | Shopfronts Manchester
Dado-Jig - stopped and through dado
Tape Storage - FineWoodworking
Tape Storage - Much better idea than the paper-towel style holders I'm using now. On mine, the roll I need is always in the middle - not handy!
Sandpaper holder
Sandpaper holder - by Krisztian @ ~ woodworking community
Kitchen Remodeling Tips and Facts
Table Saw Blade Locker Storage Unit Woodworking Plan, Shop Project Plan | WOOD Store
This bench top storage cabinet stores your cordless drills, impact drivers, and nailers, while keeping their accessories, and chargers contained and close at hand.