Devops Tips

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Dev Diaries | Intro To Sed
Another useful linux tool is sed which stands for stream editor and is used to perform text transformations on an input stream which can be a file or input from a pipe. By default sed outputs everything to standard out so you need to direct the output to a file if that is what you want.
Converting Docker Compose To Kubernetes Files
Kubernetes is a container orchestration system for automating deployment scaling and management. At some point you might outgrow using Docker and want to use Kubernetes to manage your containers. There are some great tools to make that transition easier.
Dev Diaries | Home
On occasion you might need to access your docker container as root. Using docker exec you can do that fairly easily. #linux #unix #terminal #cli⁣#webdeveloper #webdevelopment #backend #programming #coding #computer #developer #programmer #devops #ssh #session #servers #containerization #serverless
Lessons learned scaling PostgreSQL database to 1.2bn records/ month
Lessons learned scaling PostgreSQL database to 1.2bn records/month
See System Disk Space Usage
Running out of space on your server? To get an overview of how much space you have on your machine you can use the handy df linux command which reports file system disk space usage. #javascript #react #reactjs #es7 ⁣#angularjs #100daysofcode #webdevelopment #developers #computerscience #webdeveloper #webdev #frontend #programmer #softwaredeveloper #devdiaries #html5 #development #html5 #html #wordpress #css
Setting Up a MySQL Database in Docker
Learn to set up and run Docker containers for databases
Dev Diaries | Home
In a previous post we gave a brief introduction to JQ, a powerful and lightweight command line #JSON processor. It is one of our favorite tools and is extremely powerful #javascript #react #reactjs #es7 ⁣#angularjs #100daysofcode #webdevelopment #developers #computerscience #webdeveloper #webdev #frontend #programmer #softwaredeveloper #devdiaries #html5 #development #html5 #html #wordpress #css
Conditional Logic In Dockerfile
Sometimes when running a Dockerfile you need to run some conditional logic based upon an ARG variable. This can be handy in the instance you want to run a production build or development build or need to run an extra step for production, etc. #linux #unix #terminal #cli #webdeveloper #webdevelopment #backend #programming #coding #computer #developer #programmer #devops #ssh #session #servers #containerization #serverless
Git Shallow Clone
If you git clone a repository it brings in the entire repository which contains every revision of every file ever made. Sometimes this is overkill. This can especially be true if you’re checking into a repository for Continuous Integration or Continuous Delivery. You wouldn’t need every single iteration of a file but rather only the latest. In this case git clone shallow comes in handy.
Linux Which Command
Sometimes in #linux you need to know if you have a program/utility installed and maybe even where it is installed. Since homebrew installs programs in a different place than a global installation. The which command in linux can quickly tell you if a program is installed and where. #100daysofcode #linux #devops #programmer #programming #servers #filesystem #softwaredeveloper #software #engineer #hardware #cloudcomputing #aws #azure #gcp
Get Size Of A Directory Or File
Need to figure out which directories are taking up the most room on your #linux #server? Use this handy one liner to sort your directories by size and listed in megabytes #100daysofcode #linux #devops #programmer #programming #servers #filesystem #softwaredeveloper #software #engineer #hardware #cloudcomputing #aws #azure #gcp