Out of Place Artifacts (OOPARTs)

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11 Extraordinary Out-Of-Place Artifacts | MessageToEagle.com
11 Extraordinary Out-Of-Place Artifacts That Science Cannot Explain - MessageToEagle.com
Aluminium object dating back 250,000 years could be part of ancient UFO
#ufo - Metallic aluminium was not produced by mankind until around 200 years ago - but this appears manufactured making the object a baffling find
11 Extraordinary Out-Of-Place Artifacts | MessageToEagle.com
Out of place artifact
Ica Stones of Peru
Inca Dinosaur Stones ~ These stones depicted dinosaurs attacking men, and the people are shown hunting or struggling with a variety of monsters that resemble BRONTOSAURS, TRICERATOPS, STEGOSAURS, AND PTERODACTYLS, indicating that the ancient Peruvians had seen, hunted, and lived with these dinosaurs. The stones come in all sizes. There are small ones that can fit in the palm of you hand while others are more massive.
Home - The Ancient Code
The discovery of an ancient artifact, mainly composed out of aluminum is considered as compelling evidence of 'ancient astronaut' visitations to Earth over 250,000 years ago. Lab tests have confirmed…
oopart, human footprints with dinosaur footprints. There is an explanation for this. Must research.
How Did 300-Year-Old 'Jetons' Of Sun King Louis XIV End Up In Siberia? - MessageToEagle.com
How Did 300-Year-Old ‘Jetons’ Of Sun King Louis XIV End Up In Siberia?
11 Extraordinary Out-Of-Place Artifacts | MessageToEagle.com
Out of place artifact
11 Extraordinary Out-Of-Place Artifacts | MessageToEagle.com
Out of place artifact
Gallery of mystery
Ica stone thousands of years old depict open heart surgeries and dinosaur images.
Is this a 300 million-year-old screw or just a fossilized sea creature?
300 million-year-old screw-A Russian research team known as the Kosmopoisk Group, which investigates UFOs and paranormal activity, claims to have found a one-inch screw embedded inside a rock that is 300 million years old. They say the screw is the remains of an ancient form of technology that proves extra-terrestrials visited Earth millions of years ago. However, scientists say the ‘screw’ is nothing more than a fossilized sea creature called a Crinoid. The Russian team were investigating t...