The Practice of Law

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Consulting her Lawyer, 1892 by Frank Dadd Item #: 6287069
The Constitution for Kids (4th-7th Grade) – The U.S. Constitution Online – - U.S.
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The custom of wearing one of the most noted items of legal dress - wigs - dates back to about 3000 bc when nobility wore wigs made from real hair or sheep wool. Henry III of France introduced the fashion for false hair amongst his countrymen. Before the 17th century British lawyers did not wear wigs, but kept their hair and beards moderately short. It was Charles II who introduced wigs into polite society. In 1667 Samuel Pepys wrote: ... "very handsome, and new periwig, make a great show."
Opinion - Image
The inimitable Wendy MacNaughton (previously) visualizes workplace flexibility for various occupations for The New York Times.