Information and Technology

My musings on information and technology. Trying to tell a visual story that - in my humble opinion - information is becoming our sixth sense.
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Software is eating the world. Accelerated change is the only constant. It's digital darwinism out there. It's adapt or die!
Technology gets literally under our skin. It gets more intimate, intuitive and anticipatory because of our digital context. Read more:
"Sensors are now the dominant source of worldwide generated data, with 1,250 billion gigabytes in 2010, representing more bits than all of the stars in the universe." Quote by Eric Topol.
Elephant Plays with a Galaxy Note!
Peter the elephant plays with a Galaxy Note. Ofcourse it's a hoax, but the movies shows once again how simple the user interface is. Even animals can use it.
“Memories are becoming hyperlinks to information triggered by keywords and URLs. We are becoming ‘persistent paleontologists’ of our own external memories, as our brains are storing the keywords to get back to those memories and not the full memories themselves.” A quote by Cyborg-Anthropologist Amber Case for a PEW Research Center project “Millennials will benefit and suffer due to their hyperconnected lives”, source:
“The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themseves into fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it.” Quote by Mark Weiser, former Chief Scientist from Xerox and Father of Ubiquitous Computing
Opening Scene from the movie "Plan 9 From Outer Space". According to IMDB the worst movie of all times, made by the worst director of all times Ed Wood. This scene contains my favorite quote: "We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives."
"Realtime is the new prime time". A remark made by Queen Rania during the conference LeWeb09. Source:
Quote by George Dyson in an interview for The European: "We now live in a world where information is potentially unlimited. Information is cheap, but meaning is expensive. Where is the meaning? Only human beings can tell you where it is. We’re extracting meaning from our minds and our own lives." Original article:
Viral Campaign for the game Deus Ex Human Revolution. See also the website
The App Effect is a post-pc book about the effects caused by our new mobile information behavior. It became clear soon after the introduction of the iPhone that the information age had entered a whole new phase. The deciding factor is not just our newly acquired mobility. It has a great deal to do with the world falling head over heels for the allure of Software as a Gadget. Download the book here:
Prometheus Viral - Peter Weyland at TED 2023 - Guy Pierce, Ridley Scott, Alien Movie (2012) HD
Prometheus Viral - Peter Weyland at TED 2023