Log Home Stains

Log home stains on log homes, cedar homes, decks, and everything wood.
21 Pins
Lovitt's Natural Gold log home stain applied on the log home 2 years ago....
Lovitt's Emerald Gold on restored cedar logs-4 coats of paint removed on restoration process, 2 coats of stain!
Lovitt's Emerald Gold in Honey tint on log rails following a restoration of the railings.
Lovitt's Emerald Gold on new log siding in Natural tint
Playground fun! Wood restored with this product: http://www.logstains.com/lovitts-wood-cleaner-and-brightener-kit.html
Lovitt's Emerald Gold on cedar logs in Leavenworth, WA http://www.logstains.com/lovitts-emerald-gold-log-home-stain.html
Sealed with Lovitt's PUR-Gloss super shiny masonry sealer. www.lovittscoatings.com
Lovitt's Wood Cleaner & Brightener is being used to restore this massive log, timber, and shake sided home!
Welcome to LogStains
Using Lovitt's Wood Cleaner & Brightener to clean the old stain off this cedar siding #lovittswoodcleaner
Welcome to LogStains
The original oil base log home formula! On sale on www.logstains.com
We also have Board Defense, a powdered borate that mixes with water for wood protection against insects.