Random things

69 Pins
Dorm Rooms & Decor
Take a simple lamp, add tape, spray paint, then remove the tape to reveal the pattern!
The Intersection of Design & Motherhood | Top Lifestyle Blog | Design Mom
How to drill a hole in a jar and put lights in it.--Good to know for those wine bottles and mason jars
No Sew, Tee-Shirt Halter #3, DIY
Love this #DIY idea from Wobisobi, so cute and easy.
DIY Upholstered Ottoman
Not So Newlywed McGees: DIY Upholstered Ottoman - Love this, I have the perfect (UGLY) table and this will let me dress it up, have a place to put my feet, and still have a place to set things down! Good reason to make another pretty tray too! ;) #Furniture #Upcycle #DIY #Ottoman
How-To: $5 Mobile Phone Projector
The 5 Dollar Mobile Phone Projector -- made from a shoebox and a magnifying glass!
How To Own It: The Queer Grrl's Guide to the Galaxy
How to make your own galaxy shirt- Totally doing this!