Plastic Free Inspiration

Inspiration Quotes about protecting and saving our environment and living a Plastic Free, Zero Waste Lifestyle. These are all pinned from Instagram.
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Plastic Free Shop | Plastic Free Products - Australia · EORTH
Plastic: A material that pollutes our planet. Plastic: A material that's designed to used once. It's also designed to last forever. Plastic: A material we need less of. 📷 @oceanrebuild (Insta) #earthbeforeplastic #plasticfreejuly
EORTH: Plastic Free Store
Bag with the words printed: bring your own bag save the planet. #Regram via @B59DTQRnWdV
EORTH: Plastic Free Store
Turtles often mistake plastic bags for their natural food source - jellyfish. 🐢 We can all do our part to protect not just turtles but all of our ocean creatures ... it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3. ⠀⠀ 1. Place your reusable bags in your car, or a place that’s convenient to reach when you’re on your way out the door. 2. Shop and pack into your own bags. 3. Empty and repeat. 🌱 • • • #repost 📷 @savetheworld482 • • • #ecofriendly #turtles #savetheworld #savetheturtles #singleusesuc
EORTH: Plastic Free Store
“You can’t change the past but you can change the future.” • We see a plastic free future - where our oceans and lands are not polluted with plastic. It may not be something we’ll see in our lifetime but when change starts now ... a future change is possible. 🌴 #plasticfreefuture #changestartsnow #changethefuture #earthbeforeplastic #plasticfree
EORTH: Plastic Free Store
Living a World Free of Plastic Waste is possible. We all need to do our part. #Regram via @eorthshop
Be part of the solution to plastic pollution. •Our web store is full of solutions - visit the link in our bio for details!👍 #goplasticfree #earthbeforeplastic #plasticfreeliving #livingplasticfree #plasticsolutions #bepartofthesolution #lessplasticplease #plasticsucks #zerowaste #plasticfreelife #zerowastelife #saynotosingleuse #instaquotes #instapiration #plasticpollution #zerowasteliving #plasticorplanet #planetbeforeplastic
We don’t need to wait to start improving the world #Regram via @BzWUj18H6PO
We’re creating a world with less plastic. What sort of world do you want to see every day? • #lessplasticplease #bethechange #earthbeforeplastic #saynotosingleuse #plasticfreejuly #plasticfreejuly2019 #plasticfreeoceans #stopplasticpollution #noplanetb #noplastic #zeroplastic #plasticsucks #planetorplastic #refuseplastic #endplasticpollution #plasticfree #lifewithoutplastic #saynotoplastic #ipreview #Regram via
Plastic Free July is just days away, but we don’t need to wait til the 1st to start living with less plastic in our life ... make a change today. One item that I’ll be cutting out starting today and heading into Plastic Free July ... dairy products such as cheese and yoghurt and processed vegan foods such as tofu. - Cathy . 👍 What single use plastics will you be saying no to starting today? . #plasticfreefriday #plasticfreejuly #plasticfree #plasticfreeoceans #instaquotes #improvingthe
EORTH, Because there is no Planet B #noplanetb #earthbeforeplastic #eorth #Regram via @By8j77kH9uv
Plant a seed and watch it grow! 🌱#plantingtheseed #plantaseed #plantatree #treeplanting #growing #earthbeforeplastic #Regram via @eorthshop
Imagine if we all worked towards creating a world where the environment didn’t need protecting ... 💚That’s the world we need to create. .#gogreen #motherearth #plasticfreetuesday #earthbeforeplastic #breakfreefromplastic #plasticfreeoceans #protecttheenvironment #earthneedslessplastic #plasticfree #plasticfreeliving #plasticfreeme #beatplasticpollution #eorth #waronwasteau #littlewastewin #waronwaste #wastefreeplanet #noexcuseforsingleuse #pollutionisadesignchoice #ecofriendly