Plastic Free Travel

Tips for making your Plastic Free Travel easier.
26 Pins
Eco-travel around the world – with Good Morning World - GREEN TRAVEL BLOG
We love to travel – without leaving our conscience at home. That’s why we introduce you to special places, inspiring hotels or apartments that contribute to social and environmental responsibility. But we are not the only ones who are excited about sustainable destinations: Nina and Melanie from the travel blog Good Morning World have visited many of our partner hotels and shared their experiences online. | GREEN TRAVEL BLOG #greenpearls #ecotravel #goodmorningworld
Adding a reusable utensil set to your bag is a great way to reduce and refuse single use plastic. Don’t let plastic cutlery get you down, simply choose to refuse - pull out your reusable lightweight bamboo set and you’re good to go! 😋 And you’ll be the envy of those around you, silently wishing they weren’t eating with disposable plastic cutlery. 💚 ⠀⠀ 📷 @eorthshop
5 Easy Ways to Be Eco-Friendly when Moving - 15 Acre Homestead
You can be eco-friendly when moving by following these tips.
EORTH: Plastic Free Store
Inside the wrap revealed! 😍 Our new bamboo cutlery set is secured inside a cotton wrap. Each utensil has its own spot and the wrap is closed with a beautiful cotton tie to secure the cutlery when not in use. 👍 Stylish • Practical • Zero Waste • Ecofriendly. Perfect for picnics, beachside BBQs, take-out or travel, and its even stylish enough to place directly on your outdoor dining table for when you’re glamping!! 💚 📷 @eorthshop • #sustainable #bamboocutlery
Eco friendly travel products for more sustainable (yet comfortable) travel
Eco friendly travel products for more sustainable (yet comfortable) travel
EORTH: Plastic Free Store
Wrap it up - take it out with you! 😍 Our new reusable bamboo cutlery wrap is perfect for every occasion. Stylish enough for an outdoor table setting, perfect for a picnic or BBQ and lightweight making it perfect for travel. 💚 7 Piece Cutlery Wrap includes: knife, fork and spoon, stylish chopsticks and a bamboo straw with straw cleaner all contained in a stylish cotton wrap. • 📷 @eorthshop • #choosetoreuse #plasticfreejourney #plasticfreeme #saynotosingleuse #cutlery
6 Tips for a Zero Waste Road Trip
Are you on the road often or are you planning a long trip by car? Read here 6 tips to make your road trip more zero waste.
Australia's First TGA Approved Plastic Free Sunscreen packaged in metal tin.
Sunshine Guerrilla: Fun and Easy Tips for an Eco-Friendly Road Trip
Fun and Easy Tips for an Eco-Friendly Road Trip - Sunshine Guerrilla
Who knew one little spork could be such a handy item! 🚲 If you’ve been following @edphilp on his Plastic Free bike ride across across Australia, you would have seen him rocking this awesome lightweight handy spork. The perfect plastic free utensil. 👍 Sadly Ed somehow misplaced his trusty spork during one of his bike legs, but as he says “at least its biodegradable so it will break down and leave no trace!” 💚 #plasticfreetravel #plasticfeeliving #plasticfreejourney #pla
Reusable Bamboo Cutlery Set - Perfect for #plasticfreetravel #Regram via
Sun Butter Oceans Suncare Launches Crowdfund for Summer |
Sun Butter Oceans Suncare Launches Crowdfund for Summer
In Australia alone it’s estimated that over 30 million plastic toothbrushes are used annually. While that may seem like a needle in a haystack when it comes to annual household waste, those 30 million toothbrushes add up to 1,000 tonnes of plastic waste ending up in Australian landfills each year. 👇 The very simple solution? Stop purchasing plastic toothbrushes. It really is that simple. 👍 Although there are many biodegradable brushes available on the market today, bamboo too