School Ideas

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Decide Now App~a Bright Ideas for your classroom
Tonya's Treats for Teachers: Decide Now App~a Bright Ideas for your classroom personal spinner for the classroom.
Elementary Literacy Resources
Great idea: "The kids add a sticker every time they get a 100% on their spelling tests. As you can see from the sticker chart, we went from less that 50% of the kids achieving a 100% to almost 100% once we started keeping track of the data! The other charts consist of Excel graphs made up of various pieces of classroom data. The post-it notes on the graphs are the students "thinking" in regards to the data. This wall became a great motivational tool for my fifth graders!"
ZipGrade - iPhone and Android Grading App for formative assessment and quizzes.
ZipGrade: Grade paper tests using your iPhone's camera
Five For Friday Interactive Notebook Special!
Middle School OCD - brown paper bags make great pockets for interactive notebooks! 06MTR14LC10
displaying student's work - laminated pieces of construction paper and clothes pins with thumb tacks hot glued to back
Page not found - Mrs. Wills Kindergarten
Pizza pans with magnets (instead of clip charts); EASY! (I love the idea of using this as a self-assessed proficiency scale!)
Teaching With Terhune
She stores all the papers for each unit/theme in binders. So smart. I keep cramming stuff into bursting filing cabinets.
Missing Work on a class calendar. Students take their post-it off and attach it to their late work. Good idea
Hallway Display Idea
Monthly timelines of classroom events. I love this idea! Parent volunteers can help.
Take this pic at beginning of year, and then keep extras on hand for easy go-to volunteer thank you.