Frugal Living | Money Matters

Group board dedicated to pins about frugal living and money matters. Contributors: Repin proportionate to your contributions. 3 Pins per Day | Follow me | This board is not currently accepting new contributors.
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Double Your Savings: Smart Small Business Tax Deduction Tips!
Increase your tax savings with these proven deduction strategies. Double Your Savings! #taxsavings #smallbizhacks #financialfreedom #taxmanagement #businessgrowthtips #oddballwealth #money #finance #personalfinance #taxes #taxreturn
5 Money Goals to Work on in February
Already off to a rough start in the New Year with your goals? Here are 5 Money Goals to work on in February that will set you up for a successful year!
How do married couples manage money?
It can be difficult to manage money with someone else. So how do married couples manage money successfully? Here are 5 tips to make managing money easier as a married couple.
National Debt Relief Services: Hidden Fees & Costs!
This review uncovers hidden fees and costs associated with National Debt Relief Services, ensuring you have all the information you need to make an informed decision. Read Full Review! #HiddenFees #HiddenCosts #Transparency #InformedDecisions #FinancialAwareness #OddballWealth #PersonalFinance #Money #MoneyManagement #Debt #Credit #Loans #FinancialPlanning #FinancialFreedom #FinancialIndependence #FinancialLiteracy
3 Ways to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
Getting caught in the paycheck to paycheck cycle is easy - getting out is a lot harder. Here are 3 ways to stop living paycheck to paycheck.
What to do when you can't stop spending money
What do you do when you can't stop spending money? Here are a few ways to make it possible to stop the overspending and start controlling your money.
Why you don't want a big tax refund every year and what to do instead.
Why you don't want a big tax refund every year and what to do instead. - Jessi Fearon
8 Tasks to Prepare Financially for Your Baby
Trying to prepare financially for your baby can be a challenge, but these eight tasks take the guess work out of how to do it.
How to save a $1,000 in a month - the No Spend Month secret
Get your emergency fund started by going on a No Spend Month and save a $1,000 in a month!
How to Save on Graduation Invitations
There’s some really good budget savings tips on here!
🎁Save Money and Spread Joy with These Inexpensive Christmas Gifts🎄
Save money and spread holiday cheer with our guide to inexpensive Christmas gifts. Find creative, affordable presents everyone will love! 🎉 Read more now! 👉
How to pay for home projects without going into debt.
How to pay for home projects without going into debt - this is exactly how we've done tens of thousands of updates and repairs without debt!
How to find where your money is going with an annual money check up!
How to find where your money is going + FREE Printable!; Managing your money well starts with knowing where its going. So how to find where your money is going? Conduct an annual money check up and let's find out!
Marriage and Money: What to do when you're fighting about money - Jessi Fearon
What do you do when you and your spouse are fighting about money? This is the key to building a better and more solid relationship that can handle your most intense money fights.