
The old witch of Feri Tradition has many names and aspects through which a Faerie magician may access the energy of the Crone, including Anu, Ana, Annys, Anysa, Arianrhod of the Silver Wheel, Baba Yaga, Black Ana of the Forbidden Mysteries, Black Annis, Cailleach, Cerridwen, Dark Goddess, Grandmother Spider, Hecate, Kali, Lilith, the Morrigu, Queen of the Dead, Santa Muerta, Spirit of Night, Winter Queen
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articles and information related to Faery Tradition, Faerie Tradition, Fairy Tradition witchcraft
"Crone" by Val Trullinger
articles and information related to Faery Tradition, Faerie Tradition, Fairy Tradition witchcraft
Ana & The Arddu by Diana Walker, originally published in Witch Eye volume 15