
The Royal Darkness of Feri Tradition has many names aspecting his role as psychopomp: Ankou, Arddu, Baphomet, Baron Samedi, Black One, Death, Dark Lord, Great Teacher, Grim Reaper, Guardian of the Crossroads (also "Gates" and "Mysteries"), King of the Dead, Myrddin, Merlin, Royal Darkness, Shepherd of Souls, Shiva the Destroyer, Winter King
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Guardian of Chaos by 000Fesbra000 on DeviantArt
Guardian of Chaos by on @deviantART
Azrael is the name of the Archangel of Death in some extrabiblical traditions. He is also the angel of death in Islamic theology and Sikhism. The Qur'an never uses this name, referring instead to Malak al-Maut (which translates directly as angel of death). It is also spelled Izrail, Azrin, Izrael, Azriel, Azrail, Ezraeil, Azraille, Azryel, Ozryel, or Azraa-eel.
Gothic Art Print Grim Reaper Horror Decor Memento Mori - Etsy
Death Buddha by TigerHouseArt
articles and information related to Faery Tradition, Faerie Tradition, Fairy Tradition witchcraft
Ana & The Arddu by Diana Walker, originally published in Witch Eye volume 15
GunnerRomantic - Professional, Digital Artist | DeviantArt
✯ Boombuster .. by ~GunnerRomantic✯
torvenius User Profile | DeviantArt
✯ Morana - Tarot Death .. by Axel Torvenius✯