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"The hospital window" beautiful story. teared up a bit, must admit. faith in humanity restored. #encouragement
External image(Image Source: capesinc.org)By SheilaWhen it comes to accepting difference in others, we could learn a thing or two from our children. Children are naturally more accepting than adults and have no pre conceptions, yet they learn from us. How can we ensure we model acceptance and respect difference outside the home?>>Read More from PracticalParenting.ie
"They were criticized by adult figures telling them, 'You'll never find a husband if you dress like that,' to which they began to reply, 'Good!'" Kawaii fashion is about more than being "cute." It is a very quiet, subtle way of rebelling against societal norms, the norm that a woman should be feminine PURELY for the approval of a man. Girls wanted to be feminine without having to appeal to men