Austin seven "Bits and Bobs"

A collection of component parts and curiosities. (also incorporating a "Black Museum" of bodges and badly worn parts.) Some of the photos here courtesy of "Creative Metalwork" Andrew Goodfellow
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Black Museum entry by Howard. Replacement alloy brake shoes cast in STEEL!!
Black Museum entry by Howard. Bent threaded rod replaces broken spring hook.
"Black Museum" exhibit. More brake shoe bodgery from Marcus
"Black Museum" entry from Dave Mayle. (badly) Welded alloy brake shoe.
"Black Museum" entry from Brian Hutchins. Valve welded to valve-guide so that both move together in block.
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Jig to aid setting clutch operating arms and inserting mousetrap springs. (Stuart Joseph)
"Black Museum" entry by Brian Hutchins. Very badly (almost!) brazed bodge of brake shoe pivot.
"Black Museum" entry by Brian Hutchins. Very badly (almost!) brazed bodge of brake shoe pivot.
Charge switching arrangements SM5 (4)
Charge switching arrangements SM5 (3)
Charge switching arrangements SM5 (2)
Charge switching arrangements SM5 (1)
Mangoletsi Manifold Modifier